The Zeens of MIDI City

At one point in the video for The Matte Flex, a list of available zeens is shown in one of the terminal windows. This is because out in MIDI City (where the footage was captured), a desire for slower, more collective forms of communication has led to the emergence of countless zeens. Artists are not put on pedestals in the way they often are here. Rather, in MIDI City people tend to be fans of ideas or styles of creative expression instead of than specific people. In this climate, zeen culture (a bit like our zine culture) flourishes. Below is the full list of zeens, taken from one of the larger zeen catalogues, Zeenocene!
- Re-wilding actions
- Horticulture tips
- Seed swaps
- Music reviews
- Climate news
The Sunken Dispatch
- Research diaries
- Artifact showcases
- Notes from below
- Short histories of the underwater
Lunar Valley Nights!
- Sci-fi stories
- Local music scene news
- Local art scene spectacles/performances
- Hype zone (artist takeover)
- Tech news from artistic perspective
Ghost Club Journal
- Memories of friends by friends
- Fresh obits
- Dead scenes re-animator (tales from lost futures)
Weave Scene
- Central hub for para-lifetime art collaborations/handoffs/pickups of abandoned scaffolds
- Tangle Studies - peer-reviewed articles focussing on collective art projects deliberately and actively detached from time
- Knot of the month
- Pull out with clothing patterns & design ideas
C.R.T (Chaos Rave Team)
- Home of the Eternal Mixtape
- Music reviews
- Party listings
Shimmer Gang! Together At Last
- Fashion constructs
- Clothes swaps
- Make up manifestos
Ecco Chamber
- Monographs with a political bent
Quartz Lust
- Architectural conjecture inspired by lava flows and impermanence
- ‘Stone fiction’, a niche experimental literary genre focussed on stacked, synchronous narratives layered atop of each other and subject to immense pressures from above
Noise Project 336
- Republishing old anarchist texts, usually with a contemporary contextualisation
The Maths Arcade
- Coding & hacking tips
- Computer music
- Video game news
- Peer-reviewed journal section exploring the importance of ‘play’ in society
The Guillotine Express
- Radical politics vanguard
- Awareness raising
- ‘Memory corner’ - Unforgetting as a Radical Act
- A People’s History of Billionaire Toppling
Project Resonance
- Global trends
- A strictly maintained non-hierarchical collective of contributors spread equally across the planet
- Logics/infrastructure news
- Home to the Slownet Redundancy Project
Atom Planet
- Cosmic adventuring
- Sci-fi shorts
- Hardcore physics papers written to be understood by anyone
- Hardcore physics papers written to be understood only by hardcore physicists
- Chemistry for fun and mischief
- Communal living strategies
- Tool-swap mutual aid group network
The Mists of Turbine City
- Poetry
- Collective world building with a heavy graphic design and illustration slant
- Collective open world game dev
- LARPing/TTRP clubs
Runway Zero
- Began as a zeppelin lobbying group. Turned more into various sustainable transport experimenting and research
Tears of Dry Ice
- Lonely heart diaries
- Glacier-based long reads
- Disco workshopping
- Political theory book clubs/event listings
Goth Club Eternal
- Fashion columns
- Sad Coding dev blogs
- Sound palette libraries
- Club night listings
- Dread manifestos
A New History of Melodrama
- Very earnest essays and discussion about how best to rebuild the conditions for extreme melodrama in music and arts from an inclusive, non-patriarchal foundation
- Over the Top Chord Progression of the Week
- Full colour, wild, paint-based artwork on the centrefold
- Relationship advice column by The Cheese Master
Weird Corp
- Design group dedicated to presenting alternate visions of society based on already-existing technology
- Reviews of performance-art actions
- Bureaucratic antagonisers
Skeleton Tactics
- ‘Good death’ advocacy
- Cautious metaphysics
- Lessons in perspective
- Support network for bereavement and community-based memorialising
- Specialists in generative systems, procedural algorithms, with a strong anti-AI stance
- Machine-smashing tutorials
Sonic Yrself!
- Noise sculpture
- Documenting hyper-specific sub genres of experimental music.
- Sigh’n’Wayvv FM archive
- Event listings
Stacked Romance
- Joy tales
- Specialists in happy-sad dialectics
Doom in the Afternoon
- Abyssal think pieces
- Essays on the Void Storm manifesto
- Solace
- Solidarity
AutoRiot! Weekly
- A weekly dispatch that summarises the latest goings on in AutoRiot!, an asynchronous, massively-multiplayer, offline game where everyone plays a vital role in ensuring society remains in a state of permanent revolution.
Dream State
- Loosely managed forum where people pitch and discuss shifts to various state-wide policies
- Utopia Now! A dedicated space for discussing not-yet-possible big ideas
- Critical Support Now! A dedicated space for pointing out any and all potential flaws or oversights from previous Utopia Now! discussions and offering either ways to move forward or reasons why they should be shelved
- Terminal-based, digital-only zine
- Hacking competitions
- Mostly memes
Terra Group
- Terraforming response team
- Speculative eco futures
- Fictionscapes
Noise Fiction
- Regular updates from The K.N.R.U.
Nomarda Atlas
- Ongoing cartography of previously uncharted throughways
- Hiking tips and journals
- Interviews with local guides and Nomarda-affiliated city-fixers
- Regularly maintained map of communal shelters, cooking areas, etc.
- Mountain of the week
- Bike maintenance
- Route advice
- Cycle meet-ups
- Cycle Cap of the Month
Yeast Vigilantes
- Bread-based recipes
- Radical fermentation
Cake Land
- Everything cake
Grass Town Chronicles
- Allotment talk
- Communal plant-farming groups
- Outdoor events reviews
The Komoy Press
- A bi-weekly overview of all the latest zeen issues, new publications, any major shifts in zeen affiliation, etc.
- DIY printing wikis
- Guest contributors from any zeens that have requested access to the Komoy Press' bespoke printing processes that particular month
- Terminal-based zine.
- Features the zeenopedia, an open, collectively maintained catalogue of zeens, histories, backstories, and general useful info for life in The Sonorous Below and MIDI City.
That's all for now. Please make sure somebody is at home this Friday for your delivery of some glitchy utopian bangers.
// - Paul
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